We always hear athletes or business professionals talk about ‘never getting too comfortable? Why is that? Well, the one consistent thing in life is that things constantly change. Think about it; the weather fluctuates with the four seasons, or the price of milk increases based on the stock market. Nothing stays the same; our world is constantly evolving. That is why even as an expert in your field, you should always find opportunities to network. According to a LinkedIn article, "80% of professionals consider professional networking vital to career success." So it is safe to say that networking should always be in your top five career priorities.

Networking at 20 years old is very different from networking at 35 or 40 years old. The most apparent change is your attire. You are dressing for galas and tee times rather than a basement party or a beer pong game. Our Ask Me What I Do’ Polo represents your elevation. The polo can go with jeans, khakis, or a skirt. As a seasoned professional, you know how your overall appearance can make or break your first impression. Our polo is neutral enough to where you can accessorize it or make it your own.

Even though networking tactics change as you age and your progress in your career, the need to connect with others does not disappear. Your goals may not be to nail a job, but it could be to gain information or build more contacts for your part-time hustle. In every field or industry, you want to stay on top of your game and understand the latest trends.

Networking as a career professional is more about the opportunities to collaborate with others and build relationships. Those relationships come in handy when you face challenges or decide to change careers. The “Ask Me What I Do” polo can also help a fresh graduate find a new mentor in you—being a mentor and allowing someone else can provide great fulfillment. Although, networking isn’t always about what someone can do for you; we should always find time to give back to others on the path where we once were.

Our “Ask Me What I Do” polo is an essential part of any marketing technique for any entrepreneur. It’s lightweight, sleek, and can easily be worn to the office or happy hour. In addition, the classic print networking slogan will capture someone’s eye and spark a conversation that can be your next big break.

August 31, 2021 — My Networking Apparel

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